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BS-02 bistable relay

BS-02/D BS-02/D BS-02/D The BS-02 is a bistable relay which can feature digital inputs (model BS-02/D) or inputs sensitive to voltage or current levels (models BS-02/Vac, BS-02/Vdc, BS-02/Iac and BS-02/Idc).

The BS-02 relay features multiple reversible contacts which switch simultaneously after receiving an external command. It is also distinguished from common relays by maintaining its state if the device loses power.

BS-02/D relay

The BS-02/D relay can feature up to 6 reversible contacts, which switch simultaneously upon receiving a digital command.

The BS-02/D can be specified with one SET input or with SET and RESET inputs. If specified with a single input, its contacts change state when a SET command is applied. In this configuration, the RESET input is ignored.

If the BS-02/D is specified with two inputs, its contacts switch to the inverted state when a command is applied to the SET input, and the inverted state is maintained until a command is applied to the RESET input.

Alternatively, the BS-02/D can be specified to change state when power is lost or when power is restored. In these cases, RESET is the only user-actuated input.

The BS-02/D can be specified to accept the following command types:

  • closing dry (voltage-free) contact;
  • opening dry (voltage-free) contact;
  • DC voltage application (e.g.: 0→125Vdc);
  • DC voltage removal (e.g.: 125→0Vdc);
  • AC voltage application (e.g.: 0V→220V, 60 Hz);
  • AC voltage removal (e.g.: 220V→0V, 60 Hz).

A physical RESET button is also optional.

BS-02/Vac, BS-02/Vdc, BS-02/Iac and BS-02/Idc relays

The BS-02/Vac, BS-02/Vdc, BS-02/Iac and BS-02/Idc are bistable relays featuring up to 3 reversible contacts, which switch simultaneously when a voltage or current reaches a setpoint.

Every BS-02 has a fixed setpoint, which causes a state change to the inverted state if exceeded.

The BS-02 returns to its normal state when one of the following conditions is satisfied:

  1. automatically, i.e., contacts return to their normal state when the input voltage (Vdc and Vac models) or current (Idc and Iac models) falls below the setpoint;
  2. when the relay is powered off (the relay is rearmed when power is restored);
  3. pressing a reset button on the relay's front panel;
  4. applying one of the following commands:
    • closing dry (voltage-free) contact;
    • opening dry (voltage-free) contact;
    • DC voltage application (e.g.: 0→125Vdc);
    • DC voltage removal (e.g.: 125→0Vdc);
    • AC voltage application (e.g.: 0V→220V, 60Hz);
    • AC voltage removal (e.g.: 220V→0V, 60 Hz).

A physical reset button can always be specified, in combination with one other reset condition.

Electrical Characteristics
Power supply Universal 80-265V
Power consumption Less than 0.5 W
Contact isolation 2000 V, 50/60 Hz, 1 min.
Operating temperature -10 to 85 °C
Relative humidity 10 to 90%
Electrical Characteristics - Contacts
Nominal current 8 A
Maximum peak current 15 A
Nominal voltage 250 V
Maximum commutable voltage 400 V
Nominal load at AC1* 2000 VA
Nominal load at AC15* (230 Vca) 400 VA
Single-phase engine power (230 Vca) 0.3 kW
Minimum commutable load 300 mW, 5V and 5 mA
DC1* contact opening capacity 30V: 8A, 110V: 0.3A, 220V: 0.12A

*Conforming to IEC 158-1:

DC1 Slightly inductive DC loads.
AC1 Slightly inductive AC loads.
AC15 Electromagnetic AC loads.

Licht Eletro Eletrônica Ltda.
R. Gastão do Rego Monteiro, 480
São Paulo - 05594-030 - Brasil
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